Saturday, February 20, 2010

Becoming a Naked Runner

I am taking another step toward my goal of barefoot running. To clarify a little bit; my goal is not to run completely barefoot but to eventually be able to do most/all my running in Vibram FiveFingers. I will update my progress on this journey via this blog, so please check back often. I have also started a group on Facebook called "Naked Runners" and would love if you would check that out also.

This process is not all about just shedding my trainers for a pair of toed slippers. It is about making running fun again. I think as we grow up we tend to lose ourselves in life, competition, winning at any cost. As a naked runner, I still want to be the best that I can be, just have fun doing it.

Run Happy, Run Naked


  1. I ONLY run trails here in Western North Carolina. I just tried the Trek on in the store yesterday. Which of the two, the regular KSO or the Trek, would you recommend to trail run only in?

  2. I would definitely recommend the KSO Trek if you run trails only. I was training for an ultra in 2008 and ran mostly rugged trails in Pennsylvania. At that time my only option was the KSO. I was usually able to get 3-5 mile warm up runs in with them, but would occasionally get some bruising. I have been able to get a few trail runs in with KSO Trek and have had no problems with them so far. With the Trek you get .5mm of rubber and 2mm of EVA. However, the biggest advantage to the Trek is the aggressive tred. I would have issues of slipping on wet trails with the regular KSO, which I have felt with the KSO Trek.

    Hope this helps. Feel free to ask more questions and check back. The snow is finally melting on most of the trails up here so I hope to get so more miles in the KSO Trek soon.

    Also, check out my group on Facebook "Naked Runners". This group is dedicated to running with in Vibrams and minimal shoes.
